Talk is (not so) cheap 

Having an opinion or exercising free speech does not automatically make your arguments correct.

How often have we taken the time to consider those who will be impacted by the choice, method of delivery and timing of our words? Are your words being utilized to defend or establish a position? And does ascribing to either position, build up the deliverer or tear down the recipient?

For those who find themselves in the crosshairs of the inalienable rights of others, do they feel…

…Developed or Demeaned
…Decriminalized or Denigrated
…Discovered or Denounced
…Disarmed or Derided
…Delighted or Disparaged

We have the human propensity to erect physical and emotional barriers in the pursuit of defending the “rights” to our opinions. So often we find ourselves blurring the lines of having an opinion with what it means to appropriate and properly steward any rights accorded to us. 

While the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive, it is imperative our engagement in, and deployment of either thought process be accomplished with maturity, grace, compassion and yes….forgiveness.

Rom 12: 10 ~ Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.