Who …or what am I?
Is there more to who I am than what I currently perceive? Here are a few elements which I have been dissecting:
- Companion who lifts up - edifies - supports
- One whose heart beats in sync with another - being of one mind and of one accord
Son / Daughter
- Heirs to spiritual inheritance - a blessing
- Teaching - loving - correcting - encouraging - protecting
- Reflecting Christ’s devotion through love and sacrifice - serving his bride as Christ serves His Church
Beyond the standard definitions of the aforementioned, I have a sense God has a different and even deeper perspective, as He is the one who created us.
When you struggle with questions about your worth and value. When you wonder if you have anything of significance to offer. When you ask yourself for the thousandth time why you cannot “get your act together”. When you agree (even in part) with the interminable accusations hammering against your mind, condemning your every thought, word, or action…
…then consciously take a moment to pause - to breathe - to listen, for that still small voice which does not accuse or condemn - but which advocates, verifies and validates your position. You are co-heirs with Christ. He who is seated at the right hand of (His and your) Father. You are blood-bought! Therefore, any real or perceived shortcomings, insecurities, rationalizations, belief systems, strident voices in your head, or sense of loss, hopelessness or defeat, have no choice but to submit to the awesome and unquestionable authority Jesus’ blood carries. Being refreshed and released into freedom, are gifts of Grace which result from our acknowledgement and acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross.
And try not to accommodate this on your own. Trust me; I too am prone to isolating myself, thinking I can "contemplate" my way out of how I perceive things. Instead seek community - even if initially it is a community of just one other. Where two or three are gathered in His name, He is right there in the middle.
Irrespective of how you may feel at any given moment…know that:
You are loved.
You are forgiven.
You are accepted.
You are precious and valuable in His sight.
And because you are covered and affirmed by God’s Holy Spirit, you literally scare the crap out of the enemy. Come to think of it, you likely scare the crap into him as well.
Have a blessed, peaceful day.